Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wedding Shoe Lust

Can we take a moment out of our day to take a look at these super-fabulous pictures?! Specifically, I'd like everyone to pay attention to those super-fabulous white chuck taylors that those bridesmaids are rocking. TOO CUTE!!! I'd LOVE for my ladies to rock that look on October 2.

Since I know some of you (and by "you" I mean bridesmaids) read this, as all of SHOULD, obviously, what do you think of this? How would you feel about strutting your stuff in a pair of white chuck taylors? You'd match me! And it would be so much better than the sub-par silver flats that I've been able to come up with! Genius idea, right? Right! (Photos courtesy of Tim Will Photography)

Can we check out that adorable chuck-clad foot pop?! In the word of Megan, Presh!!

How adorable would those be with the dresses (only in blue and green, obviously)? So adorable!!

We could do the original:

Or the even more affordable version from Target:
I want it. I need it. Please bridesmaids, make it happen for me!

Here's links to the blog and website where you can find more pictures:


