Friday, March 19, 2010

Exploring a New Frontier

I just made the most delicous shrimp quesadilla, EVER! Here's the recipe, in case you want to try 'er out:

1 pound shrimp (I used frozen, cooked shrimp)
4 tablespoons fresh cilantro
4 tablespoons chopped green onion
A few dashes chili powder
4 table spoons lemon or lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste
Tortilla (I used burrito size because it's what we had on hand)
1/2 cup shredded cheese of your choice

1. If you're using frozen cooked shrimp, thaw shrimp by placing it in a bowl of ice water. After the shrimp has thawed, remove tails.
2. In a bowl or large Ziploc bag, combine thawed shrimp, cilantro, green onions, chili powder, lemon/lime juice, salt and pepper. Let the shrimp marinate for 10-30 minutes.
3. Strain liquid from shrimp mixture and heat at medium heat until warmed through. Remove from heat.
4. Pour a small amount of vegetable or olive oil in pan and heat to medium high.
5. Place a tortilla in the pan and heat for about a minute, flipping with a spatula every 10 seconds. The tortilla should develop air bubbles. Remove first tortilla from pan when browned to your liking.
6. Add second tortilla to pan and do the same thing you did for the first tortilla. When it has browned to your liking, reduce heat to medium and spread cheese over tortilla.
7. When cheese starts to melt, add shrimp mixture and place second tortilla on top. Let it sit for about 30 seconds.
8. Slide one spatula under the quesadilla and hold another on top to keep it together. Now flip quesadilla over to heat the other side.
9. Remove from heat and serve with sour cream, guacamole, salsa, or Paul's favorite, Sesame Ginger Vinagerette. Apparently it's good with everything.

I meant to take a picture of the final product, but a combination of intense hunger and forgetfulness were working against me. Maybe I'll remember the next time around. But probably not.

Before I tried this recipe I was hesitant to cook anything with seafood that was more involved than dropping fish sticks onto baking sheet and popping them into the oven. Kitty never cooked with seafood when I was a kid so I don't really know how to do it. I can do chicken, beef, pork, even venison, like a pro, but seafood is beyond me. Shrimp quesadillas were my first baby step into the world of cooking with seafood. Next I'd like to attempt tilapia, tuna steaks and a salmon. Wish me luck!