Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bang Trim for the Win!

At the suggestion of Jennifer and Jessica at the ol' DDS, I made an appointment with Lauren at Salon Del Sol toget my bangs trimmed. Ever since I grew out my cut-straight-across bangs that I rocked for a good 20 years (photographic proof below), I have yet to get my bangs to look just how I want them to. I'm fully aware of the size of my forehead. I know that, like the rest of me, my forehead is not whispy so my bangs shouldn't be either. So, armed with instructions written on a post-it note, I made my way into Salon Del Sol today and left with amazing bangs.

As a reminder, here's a before photo. Take noteof the significant amount of forehead hanging out below that birthday crown.
Here they are with a pony tail.

And here they are now. Take a look at those forehead-covering bad boys!

This is what it will look like when I wear it in a pony tail now!

And now, since I promised, here's proof of my longstanding rocking of the cut-straight-across bangs (not to mention those HAWT pink, rail-road-conductor striped, coveralls!)