Saturday, January 23, 2010

Show and tell

I've been taking a lot of photos lately and now it's time to share.

First, some wedding business. Here is the bridesmaid dress I've chosen:
The only difference is that the dresses won't be orange. Three bridesmaids (Anna, Stacey and Megan) will wear seafoam green and two (Beth and Ally) will wear light blue.

A possible flower girl dress for Gracie that I saw at Target. The blue would match the bridesmaids PERFECTLY.

The AMAZING salad I had for dinner last night:

My birthday/middle name twin and I with our birthday crowns at work:

Speaking of birthdays, I rang in my 24th one at Magiquest in Gatlinburg. If you ever have the chance to play, do yourself a favor and do it.

You know how I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I got a new cubicle? Well here it is...

I have all sorts of wall space to cover with all my things. Perhaps the best part is that it's not the "Grandma's couch" color that I'm currently surrounded by (in case you can't tell, it's a mauvey pink). If you look close you can also see the giant gaps between the different desk panels, just to each side of the keyboard. The stellar decorations will go with me, of course.