Friday, January 22, 2010

Joey Potter Had Better Sense Than This

Can we talk about how disgusted I am by Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? Not only are they whackos with their crazy scientology ways of thinking, but somehow they think it's a good idea to put high heels on their child. Their three year old child. Their three year old, unsmiling, mysteriously thought of as beautiful, probably miserable most of her life, child. If you haven't scene a photo Suri in her heels, I'll save you the trouble of googling.

When I first saw this picture, I seriously thought it was a picture from a new little people documentary on TLC called "Little Professionals" or "Little Business Women, Big Bags" But no, it's just Suri off for a busy day at, what, the playground? Preschool, perhaps? She's wearing her gold heels so it must be pretty important.

Crazy Katie tries to defend her decision by saying that they are simply ballroom dancing shoes for children and that Suri loves them. When I was three I would have loved eating ice cream at every meal with a chaser of chocolate cake; however, my mother had the good sense not to let me do that.

Look at her teeny tiny pinched toes in those peep toe t-straps. No sane person can look at those pictures and think that those shoes aren't going lead to long term physical impairments either in her feet or her legs. Or hey, maybe she'll win the disability lottery and it will be both!

Little kids should be wearing mary janes and tights with ruffles, or grass stained jeans and sneakers, not silk dresses and heels. You can't play in a sandbox in silk. You can't climb a tree in high heels. You also can't play tag red rover or anything else that's and doesn't involve dolls or crayons.

R.I.P. Childhood.