Thursday, October 15, 2009


I realized after a good night's sleep and some facebook comments that my first post was all depressing and no happiness, which was not my intention. While the past five months have probably been the most hectic and stressful of my life, they have also been five of the happiest. If it hadn't been for Paul and the kindness of his family, I'd surely be commuting to and from Wytheville every day or living on someone's living room couch. I'd also be without the one person who can keep me calm when I'm stressed out and who can make me happy when I'm sad.

For a long time I didn't understand why I met him a month before moving four hours away, but now I think I know why. I needed him to keep me sane while I was dealing with life issues way beyond what I thought I was capable of handling.

I leave you with a promise: subsequent posts will be much more pleasant and will contain less mopeyness.