Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Given that tomorrow is Thanksgiving (you know, the best holiday ever?), I've been thinking a lot about what I'm thankful for (please take note, this list is not comprehensive).

1. Federal Holidays. There are fewer things better than knowing that you don't have to work a full 40 hour week but you still get paid to do so. This week I only had to work 20 hours but I got paid for 40! Nevermind the fact that I worked 21.5...

2. Those commercials that come back at the same time every. Single. Year. How precious are the babies sleeping while "Silent Night" plays? So precious! Or the snowman who turns into a little boy wearing flannel after he eats Campbell's soup? Love it! Or even the one where every animal wants to be the Cadbury Bunny! Okay, not exactly seasonally appropriate, but wonderful just the same.

3. Starbucks. I don't care if they're like the Walmart of coffee. I love Starbucks and I really love their seasonal specials. I had my first peppermint mocha of the season (nevermind that it felt more like pumpkin spice latte season) last Saturday and I drank it while shopping for wrapping paper and Angel Tree gifts.

4. Fur-lined moccasins. So. Unbelievably. Comfortable.

5. Paul. He puts up with me when I'm cranky and when I wake up crying from a bad dream at 5 AM and when I request Chinese food for dinner pretty much every week and when he comes home and there's a pink sweater on the dog that he likes to pretend isn't a girl. I still don't quite understands how the world thrust us together and made it work, but I'm sure glad it did. I love you!

6. Jeggings. Seriously, could they be any more comfortable?!

7. Cardigan sweaters. I've said it once and I'll say it again: Cardigans are the world's best accessory (sorry Pearls, you're number 2). They're adorable, they make you warm, and they make non-work-appropriate clothes work-appropriate.

8. Thanksgiving. Do you know why Thanksgiving is amazing? Because Thanksgiving is the only day of the year that I eat gravy on Stuffing. And I look forward to it for the other 364 days. But I can't make it any other time because that would ruin the allure.