Friday, November 19, 2010


Ladies and Gents, I'm tired. I'm tired and I'm annoyed by so much right now and I can't seem to get my head above the annoying water.

1. I am SICK of being on the phone. I feel like I spend about 50% of my time at work on the phone with people who are either A) Incompetent, or B) Completely, totally, utterly unwilling to provide any sort of help whatsoever. As a result, when I'm not at work I have zero desire to use the phone which means that I feel like frienships are crumbling beneath me. I don't like relying 100% on facebook to keep in touch with people I actually care about.

2. Christmas. I have no idea what to get the majority of people on my shopping list. Whenever I ask someone what they want they ALWAYS say nothing. Newsflash: THAT'S NOT HELPFUL!!

3. Roanoke doesn't have a Chipotle. But Blacksburg does. Blacksburg also has a Moes. Why in the world does one small town (albeit it large when considering all the students) need TWO stores that provides delicious, giant burritos for the masses? Roanoke is bigger and, at least in my humble opinion, deserving of at least one tasty burrito joint. Baja Bistro does NOT count.

4. People are rude. The end.

5. I think I could east chinese food every day. But that's not good. And my waist line is proving it.

6. Speaking of, I hate tight jeans. I hate knowing that they're tight and it's all my fault.