Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh the Drivers Outside are Frightful

For the past 24 hours all of Roanoke and the Roanoke-based-news stations have been freaking out about the storm of the century that was supposed to be coming to town. I doubted everything they said. They said it would snow about 12 inches and I said we wouldn't get any. The weatherman finally proved me wrong. They let us out of work early, at 3:15, and after stopping at the ABC store so that I could do snowed in baking, I set off to meet people from work for margaritas at Abuelos. As soon as I pulled into the mall I decided that I in fact would not be going to Abuelos and that it was going to be a long afternoon. Two and a half hours, one bitchy, yelling driver, a few speed demons and lots of passed-accidents later, I walked into the apartment and promptly collapsed on Paul and cried. At no point was I afraid that I was going to wreck my car, because I know how to drive. I was, however, terrified that someone else would wreck their car into my car. It didn't happen, but the last 10 minutes of that drive were so frustrating that all I could do was cry until I felt a little bit better.

I'm not driving tomorrow because, after a trek to the Food Lion beside my apartment, I'm going to spend the day baking and cooking. I decided yesterday that since I'm still not in the Christmas spirit (though being warm at home with pretty snow outside helps) I'm going to try to give myself some spirit by baking. So I'm going to make macaroons, butterscotch and pecan oatmeal cookies, and maybe some sugar cookies to decorate. I'm also going to make a big pot of potato soup because nothing goes better with cold and snow than potato soup. Later in the week I also need to make an upside down german chocolate cake and a grasshopper pie for my family's Christmas dinner and buffalo chicken dip and maybe another grasshopper pie if I'm feeling daring for our Tacky Christmas Sweater party at work. So I'm going to cook and bake and listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies and finish wrapping presents and I'm going to get in the Christmas spirit if it kills me.