Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...and a Little Bit of Spite

Paul and I finally got all our Christmas decorations up on Monday and they look fabulous, if I do say so myself. Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself.

The tree with the adorable tree skirt I foundThe Dining Room
Slightly Christmas-y Book Shelf

With our first tree :)

We've already done a little holiday entertaining. It wasn't really a Christmas party, but it was a teeny dinner party and the decorations were up, so that counts.

There's a great deal of confusion over the new office at work. You see, my 28 fellow new hires and I are currently camped out in a conference room that is not equipped to hold 29 people plus instructors all day. We are moving to our new office just a short walk through Elmwood park next week and, unfortunately, it doesn't have a fridge. And let me tell you, to some people, not having a fridge is a fate worse than death. These people are acting like the world will stop spinning on its axis if they don't have a fridge at work. One women, when I was explaining that ice packs exist for lunch boxes, blurted out, "But I have to have a place to store vanilla milk for my coffee." I'm sorry, you have to have that? That's not a necessitate you twit! Granted, I want a fridge too, but I'm a sensible individual and therefore willing to wait until the new group of 30 people starts on January 11 so that they can contribute to the fridge fund too. A select group of people think that it's acceptable to make everyone pay $20 for a fridge that 80 people will share and 30 of those won't have to contribute a dime. I'm not playing along. Instead, I will donate the amount that I come up with after dividing the cost of the fridge by the number of people that will be using it. Supposing that the fridge is $500.00 and there are 80 of us, that will equal $6.25. Don't think I won't ask for .75 change either. Just because some people may win the vote and get a fridge before Christmas (which will only happen if they raise/collect enough money) doesn't mean I'm going to spend one dime more than what is my fair share.

Okay, I think that's enough spite and bitterness for one night.