Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday Revelation

I have a problem. Not a serious problem, per se, but a problem none-the-less. I absolutely suck at cleaning a house. I hate to dust. I hate to scrub. I hate to wipe down. I hate to polish. I hate to pick up things that are not mine that are not in their proper place. That makes having a dog who still has a whole lot of destructive puppy in her a problem. Whenever Ginny gets a new toy, or finally manages to break through the defenses of a pretty tough toy, this is the site that greets me.

As adorable as it is to watch her do this, I absolutely hate picking up those little white slobbery puffballs. I really wish she could be that adorable without all the muss and fuss. Oh wait! She can!

Just look how adorable she is wrapped up in a blanket,resting her head on a pillow! Okay, so maybe this post was intended less to complain about cleaning up puffballs and more to post gratuitous adorable puppy pictures. I really don't think anyone's complaining.