Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Thanksgiving Realization

When I was still living in Arlington,I believe it would have been in August, I made Paul promise to make me keep a promise to myself. I had decided that I wanted to run a 5K by the end of the year. I had recently stopped going to the gym as much as I wanted and thought that by vowing to run a 5K by the end of the year I would get back into the swing of things. I was wrong. I've been a major gym slacker because of moving and changing jobs and what-have-you that there's no way I could do a 5K by the end of the year. The salt-in-the-wound part of all this is that my first 5K was going to be the Drumstick Dash in downtown Roanoke. It was this morning. I went to the gym yesterday and now I'm in pain because of it. So instead of running a 5K today I'm watching the Macy's parade and later I'll be pouring gravy on everything on my plate. The exception to the gravy rule will be the pumpkin cheesecake that I made last night which, even without gravy, is about 400 calories a slice, I believe. All of this, in one swoop, made me go from feeling happy about Thanksgiving to bad about myself.

My new goal will be the St. Patrick's Day 5K that Roanoke Catholic sponsors. Seeing as it's Paul's Alma Mater, I may be able to convince him to do it with me.

On the bright side, the job seems to be going well. I like the people I work with and, while we're not doing any actual work yet,we're supposed to start soon. I'm definitely working forward to the first paycheck because my Christmas decoration shopping has already gotten a little out of control. Not that I've gotten a lot, I just figure it might be more reasonable to spend that money on gifts.