Monday, November 9, 2009

Kirstie Alley, Eat Your Heart Out!

I've discovered that when you're not bored out of your mind for the majority of your waking hours and you eat a lot of fast food, it's a lot more difficult to control/lose weight. While I was starving for human interaction for a good part of May 2008-May 2009, I spent my time going to the gym and eating fairly healthy and it resulted in my losing 50 pounds. I have since gained back about 10 pounds and I'm not particularly pleased. I'm not really any more busy than I was last year. In fact, just the opposite. I work maybe 2 hours out of the day and I could be going to the gym with a lot of my free time, but I'm a creature of habit and it's hard to start going back to the gym, especially when it's not on the way home anymore.

My clothes aren't fitting much differently, maybe not differently at all, but somehow just knowing the extra weight is there is making me feel super fat and not terribly attractive.

I start my new job at Social Security on Thursday and I hope that since I'll kind of be following the same work routine as I did last year that I'll be able to get back into my gym habit. Just three days a week would help at this point...and maybe remembering that water is just as good as the grape soda that is currently chilling in the fridge...and saving the Reese's pumpkins that are in the cabinet for a special occasion. And Tuesday can no longer be considered a special occasion. And it would probably help if I went back to not eating after 10 anymore, instead of thinking that a midnight trip to Sheetz "won't be that bad." I need to get back on the wagon, especially since I have a wedding to look hot for in just less than a year. Annie and I are cooking vegan sausage and pasta tomorrow so maybe that will be a good re-introduction to the world of healthy living.

It should benoted that I won't really feel better until I'm running at least a mile again, preferably at the same pace that I was running in June.

On a completely unrelated note, I hate that cooler weather always makes my hands crazy dry. They are currently cracked like crazy and it burns to bend my pointer finger on my right hand.