Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is there any food greater than ice cream? Except for maybe potatoes. I'd say potatoes tie ice cream for most wonderful and comforting food. It might be all the years of slaving away at Dairy Queen, but, I can't be the only one whose mouth is watering because of this...

My ice cream obsession is part of why dieting just doesn't work for me. I mean, I'm a fan of pie, cheesecake, cookies and cake, but I could do without them. But ice cream? No way! It's cold and creamy and soothing and when I'm having a bad day it's one of very few things that can pull me away from the brink of full on crankyness. It's the world's most perfect treat and no, that's not an exaggeration.

In college, no matter what time of day (well, between the hours of 7 AM and 7:30 PM), I knew that soft serve, hard ice cream and ice cream novelties were just a few steps away and every Sunday I knew I'd get to take a stroll to the Sunday Sundae Bar. Like so many other things, college did not prepare me to live in a world where ice cream wasn't nearly always readily available, often with toppings.

My ice cream obsession is pretty much the only thing that makes me regret my self-catered, outdoor wedding reception. What I wouldn't give to trade in our donuts or cake or whatever budget-friendly, convenient sweet treat we decide on for a sprawling ice cream buffet with chocolate, vanilla, banana and black raspberry ice creams and more toppings than you could shake a stick at, if, of course, you're one to carry sticks around with you. It would be wonderful and glorious and will happen at at least one birthday party of my future children. For now, a girl is left to dream.

What's your favorite comfort food? If you have a wedding coming up, do you plan to incorporate it into your big day?